Wednesday, 25 January 2012

It happened!

After about :
-500 CVs sent
-15 interviews
-300 double rejections (when you are rejected from a job you don't want)
-185 single rejections (when you are rejected from jobs you think you might want)
-5 'unknowns' (you have been to the interview but never heard back from the recruiter ever again)
-1 quickie (super fast interview)
-about 13 hypocriticals (when the hiring manager wants to make love to your face but later f*** you in the back)


I have...

...found a job!


Ok, it is not the job of my dreams, it is a 6 months contract, but...IN YOUR FACE XANAX!

No more Philipe Focker, Gabino Ducon, Moobs - goooooooooooodbye!

New adventures are about to start : I will be managing a new team and prostituting myself for a company called : Pest&Gamble.

Stay tuned!

And just to finish my job search on a negative note (although it is not totally finished as I am still trying to find something better), here is what a rejection from Facebook looks like :

Hi Miserable,

Thanks for your interest in the Operations Middle Manager opportunity at Facebook.

Unfortunately, we won't be moving forward with your application at this time. However, as Facebook continues to grow, we encourage you to keep on the lookout for new opportunities posted to our careers site. We really appreciate your interest and look forward to connecting with you in the future.


Facebook Recruiting
I like the exclamation mark after the 'Thanks', like they are so enthusiastic in everything they do, even rejection. Thanks Facebook!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The quickie

I had another fabulous job search encounter last Friday that I had never experienced before so I thought I would share it.

There are a couple of recruitment agencies that I trust and work with regularly....I mean there are a couple of mofos that are less bad that others....I call them the special agents - any other agent being a moronistic scumbag.

So last thrusday, a senior special agent calls me :

Him : Miserable, I have found Ze job for you, the job of your best and wildest dreams. I have no job spec but I think you are the perfect match for it, and the MD of the company, MediaPestus, is my best friend. I am having dinner with him in about 15 minutes, shall I mention your name?

Me : it sounds great but a bit junior, are you sure that the level will match my expectations?

Him : off course it is super senior honey bunny, and you will get the dosh you want, trust me

Me : ok, if the dosh are in, I am in

Comes Friday, special agent PA calls me, texts me : CALL ME NOW! So I call back :

Her : the MD of Mediapestus has heard about you, he said you have excellent references, he is super excited about you and he wants to meet you asap-before-eop i.e. 2PM, what do you think? And sorry to rush you, and don't worry if you can't prepare, he is aware of it, it will be very informal.

Me: hmpf - informal the end he will still make a call on the chat!

Her: don't worry babe, he had a boner as soon as he heard your name.

Me: Okay then, go on

Comes 2PM I am ready :

Super black mascara special long eyelashes effect : check
Short deep V cleavage dress : check
High heels : check
Red nail varnish : check
Gloss super glossy : check
Brains : not sure but check

MD guy comes, pretty cute, pretty young, pretty excited :

Him : Hello Mis, how you doing, I am soooooooooooooo happy to meet you, I hope you don't mind the rush and the mess, as soon as I heard of you I wanted to see you.
I want you, I want to make love to your CV and experience, I think we are a match from heaven, I am going to haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave you right now on the taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaable!!!!!!!!!!

Me : ok ok, that's great, when shall I start then?

Him : so, tell me about the market, the competitors, our technology, what clients do you think we should target, what strategy do you think we should adopt blaaaaaaaaaaah...........

Me : you perv

Him : I hope you don't mind, I have lined up 2 more interviews for you, our head of hisarse and our VP of hercunt. They are really nice, as soon as I hear their feedback I will get in touch with special agent.

Me : sure, I love threesome interviews, give me more


So, what was an informal chat became a full unpaid consultancy session. It is Tuesday now and I still haven't heard of them : quickie but long rejection!

Where is the job search police?!!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Reprioritize your life

Ok, today I came accross another b-shit article called "No" is the New "Yes". Since I am heavily looking for a job I assumed that it was another article about handling rejection. But it was not, it was actually about being able to reject.

Read it, it is about time management, it tells about reprioritizing your life by saying no :

The dude who writes it, Tony, has a point. I have been practising the 'No' a lot on my boss Xanax and on our sales team. But it doesn't work.

It doesn't work because when you are a middle manager that's miserable, you have no power over your boss, and neither to your team or other teams who's boss are more 'senior' than you.

But what does Tony Schwartz think about the consequences of saying no to your boss or to other teams? Because let's face it, you spend most of your days doing your boss' job or working for your colleagues that are either 'busy' or uncapable. So how do you say no? Who's gonna do the shit if you don't?

Philip Focker says no to me all the time, he just gives me plain 'no-I-won't-do-it' in my face. He pretends he is busy when I know he is not. So I want to fire him.
That would be the consequence for him, being fired. He is only lucky to be friend with Xanax that's all.

So please Tony, write about how to say no and the consequences. And please don't quote Gandhi and don't finish your shit with Carpe Diem, not modern.

Also Tony, it is sooo true when you say : 'Saying no, thoughtfully, may be the most undervalued capacity of our times.' because most recruitment agents and hiring managers don't have the balls to actually contact you to reject you!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Daring desperation

It’s been a while since I haven’t blogged, apologies to fellow readers, after a nervous breakdown in December I took off to the south of France and Megeve, checked out expensive ski slopes and posh women wearing fur. It did good to MMM, I realized that in 2012, the Miserable Middle Manager’s community is not the most persecuted. Foxes are and I should be glad that the rich don’t wear MMMs skin.
So, after a couple of weeks of rest and meditation, MMM came back to hell. Let’s leave the ‘MMM is back in the office’ topic for another time, yesterday Monday I had my first interview of the year, happy new year MMM.
Ladies and gentlemen, watch out, I am serving this story hot, MMM first fuckery of the year coming now!
Ho well.

The job was top, working for a top guy, the CEO of RatzParalyze – position of business middle manager to deliver the global strategy. Sounded promising.
Obviously I got the interview through an agent, named John-Gerard. I saw his picture on Linkedin and he looks like an hybrid of Dexter and Sarah Jessica Parker, not his fault. Anyway, he calls me in the morning to prep me, behavioural interview with the CEO, then the CFO - I ask him if there is any case study (i.e.: how many pink bras will be sold in the UK in 2045...). Guy seems on acids: sure I’ll check and call you back, two minutes later he is back on the phone: don’t worry, all cool, nothing to worry about and certainly no case study.
So I spend my whole morning checking the company’s website, reading about how good they are at eradicating pestilence, how they kill pest humanly etc... Then I dig out all the books in my library that have keywords related to ‘strategy’ or ‘success’ in their title : ‘How to pull men in bars: a woman’s successful strategy’, ‘Successful cooking’, ‘Leveraging your inside edge successfully’, ‘Successfully overcoming period pain’ etc...I have so many academic books on success, it is unbelievable.
So comes 3PM I am ready to rock, sitting at the reception of RatzParalyze with a glass of water. (What do you want to drink asked the receptionist : don't you have a Ricard by any chance?). Thanks to Bare Mineral make up, it doesn’t show on my face that I feel like vomiting of stress on the desk of the receptionist : she looks like a bitch and the carpet is olive green, yukk.
3:15, CEO guy arrives, his name is Dick, I mean Richard. OK looking, middle aged, very, very word until we sit down in front of each other, he eventually asks where I live, like he couldn’t come up with a better ice breaker...
Thing is, he doesn’t give a shit where I live, he has a surprise for me : ‘OK, I believe the recruitment agent has told you about our standard procedure, first a case study then a behavioural chat with my colleague’. He may as well have said : ‘OK, the agent has fucked you again, he is the brother of Philippe Focker and he wants you to fail right now, I have worked for Accenture for 20 years and I am used to set candidates up for failure, so they never forget my rat face’.
Obviously I have the email of the agent which shows no mention of a case study, but at this stage it is too late, so I jump into the case study.
I am bad at case studies. I really can’t think on my feet, my brain needs time to process shit and my mind usually goes blank when I am asked to work out numbers.
But to be honest, I am so tired of interviews that something amazing happened as soon as he told me about the case study (you work for Bill Gates, he wants to create Microsoft Cola and he has a meeting with Tesco on Thursday in order to negotiate an exclusive deal with Tesco. Advise him on the product strategy), indeed, as soon as I heard ‘case study’, all the stress went away!
It seemed that my brain had suddenly given up stressing, I had failed again! So I did all the calculations I could (all wrong obviously) and after we finished (badly), I started glaring at Dick, checking each of the wrinkles on his face. He didn’t have many questions, and he asked me if I had any. So what happened then is what I call Daring Desperation : in a desperate last attempt to get the job you dare becoming yourself again.
 So I questioned the stupid current strategy of RatzParalize, why paralyze pestilence when you can kill it instantly? I told him that if he was hiring only on the results of a case study he would be ruling out potentially great candidates like me. As a result, he became a bit defensive and he almost ran out of the room, leaving me behind, waiting for my next bully. But I know that he will remember me.
Then I considered leaving the room, I thought that even doing the Asda Sales would probably be a better use of my time. But then a very nice gentleman arrived, and asked me how I did with his colleague, said that if I did badly he wouldn’t be surprised, that Dick was not that good at explaining case studies and that they were desperate to find someone for the position which had been left vacant for a long time.
Will I get the job or have I, again, wasted my time?
I have come to realise that having an MBA had another inconvenience : recruiters think that you can work out numerical shit very quickly, so they fetch stupid case studies in books, they learn the answers by heart and judge you if you don’t answer right straight away.
Truth is most MBA graduates don’t even know how much is 7x8.

Happy 2012 everyone!